Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana is completely blind but you wouldn’t know it when interacting with her. This sweet mare arrived to us after her previous owner sought a new home where Hannah would have appropriate fencing and stabling for a blind horse. Boarding facilities will not be a good fit for Hannah Banana. Horses with vision loss can still be valuable companions, but do have some special housing needs. You can usually hear Hannah blowing bubbles in her water tub or nickering to fellow pasture mates. She’s such a special mare, and we’re hoping she will find her special forever home soon!
My care is fully sponsored by M.K. Hanamann, P. Macomber in loving memory of Imzadi the Shire (may she rest in peace), S. Logan, and L. Orta. Thank you!!
My care is fully sponsored by M.K. Hanamann, P. Macomber in loving memory of Imzadi the Shire (may she rest in peace), S. Logan, and L. Orta. Thank you!! |
17 Hands
Percheron Mare
-Vision loss
-Cushings Disease
-Sedation for hoof careADOPTION STATUS
Available as a companionADOPTION FEE
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