Compassion + Action = More Lives Saved
Draft horses comprise the smallest percentage of the US horse population, yet they are grossly overrepresented in the number of horses being shipped for slaughter every year. Born into communities who see no soul behind the eyes of these gentle horses, they endure horrific neglect, living lives of servitude until their powerful bodies and gentle spirits are broken. Even emaciated and feeble, their huge bodies are a prize to the vicious meat men who line their pockets, getting paid by pound of flesh.
With you by our side, we can magnify our efforts to end the brutality and agonizing misery for these precious, sentient beings. Healing the physical and mental wounds of their past is both an arduous and profoundly rewarding experience. The sheer resilience and will to live despite the horrors they’ve faced is a testament to their strength and courage, and we are honored to be a part of their recovery.
Today, Gentle Giants is serving more horses than ever before, many of whom are in critical need of extensive rehabilitation. We are traveling to auctions where the most sick and vulnerable horses are discarded. They are suffering with outrageous wounds and untreated illnesses and it’s up to us to step up and help.
For many, their needs extend far beyond the basics…and these wounds don’t heal overnight. Every single day our team is nursing horses undergoing months to years of canker treatment, preparing horses for cataract surgery with eye medications three to four times a day, helping horses like Phoenix recover from reconstructive knee surgery, cleaning surgical sites after trephination surgeries and complex castractions, and monitoring starved horses in refeeding programs.
We spend countless sleepless nights watching over our friends as they fight to heal. It takes hundreds of hours and, sometimes, thousands of dollars to undo the damage that’s been done. That’s why we need your help. Will you be their Guardians?
The Gentle Giants’ Guardians
$300 monthly commitment
Help our most vulnerable population by ensuring they have the resources they need to thrive and overcome the neglect and trauma of their past. They’ve endured so much, let’s work together to start the healing.
Only our staff and volunteers wear the ‘GG Green’…and now, so do our Guardians.
Along with your tshirt, we will send you a Guardian vinyl car decal, a thank you letter directly from our Founder, our monthly Newsletter and annual calendar, plus a special gift on your membership anniversary.
Chester’s Champions
$100 monthly commitment
Chester represents the horses who just need a helping hand. The horses who have been broken down, thrown away, and given up on. They’re the diamonds in the rough who just need a chance to shine.
Sanctuary Supporters
$50 monthly commitment
With your help, our horses receive the basic necessities they’ve been denied for years: vaccines to protect them from contagious illnesses, dewormer to preserve precious nutrients, farrier care for the feet that carry over 1,500lbs with every step they take, and so much more.
Receive a Chester’s Champion mug and a car decal | Subscribed to our monthly Newsletter | Added to our in-house calendar list
When you sign up, we’ll send you a special I’m a Sanctuary Supporter car decal, plus our monthly newsletter and annual calendar.
We are deeply grateful to our members for their fierce commitment to our mission. Together, we can provide protection, dignity, compassion, and freedom from fear for our beloved draft horses.
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